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in Louisville, KY
- Dental Service in Louisville, KY
- Emergency Toothaches, Extractions, Pain Relief Today
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25 Dentists found in Louisville, KY
Emergency Dentist Louisville Kentucky
1939 Goldsmith Ln, Louisville KY 40218
Pearl Dental
3002 Bardstown Rd, Louisville KY 40205
Mortenson Family Dental
2105 Weber Ave, Louisville KY 40205
Louisville Dream Dentistry
3803 Preston Hwy, Louisville KY 40213
Mortenson Family Dental
4801 Outer Loop, Louisville KY 40219
Breckenridge Dental Care
3348 Hikes Ln #107, Louisville KY 40220
Burnette Family Dentistry
4645 Outer Loop, Louisville KY 40219
Magnolia Dental
3801 S Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville KY 40299
Advanced Dental Center
8517 Preston Hwy, Louisville KY 40219
Kenneth J. Hofmann, DMD PSC
4122 Shelbyville Rd h, Louisville KY 40207
Louisville Dental ER I Urgent Dental I Emergency Dentist
4122 Shelbyville Rd, Louisville KY 40207
Gerlach Family Dentistry
210 W Woodlawn Ave, Louisville KY 40214
Maui Whitening Louisville
4113 Oechsli Ave Ste B, Louisville KY 40207
Drs Martin & Carrico Dental Office
6504 Strawberry Ln, Louisville KY 40214
J Taylor Hazard & Associates: Hazard J Taylor DMD
4701 Southern Pkwy, Louisville KY 40214
Urgent Dental Care
2010 S Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville KY 40220
Aspen Dental
312 S 4th St #700, Louisville KY 40202
Advanced Dental Center
1901 Rudy Ln #5, Louisville KY 40207
Gerlach Family Dentistry: East End / Middletown
11900 Shelbyville Rd, Louisville KY 40243
Perellis David H DDS
9451 Westport Rd # 109, Louisville KY 40241
Dr. Mark W. Mcgrath, DMD
8401 Brownsboro Rd, Louisville KY 40241
Smile Center Professionals
4516 Cane Run Rd, Louisville KY 40216
ImmediaDent – Urgent Dental Care
1160 E Lewis and Clark Pkwy, Clarksville IN 47129
Middletown Commons Family Dental
13301 Shelbyville Rd #105, Louisville KY 40223
Floss 32 Dentistry
8815 State Hwy 22, Crestwood KY 40014

What You Need to Bring to Your Louisville Emergency Dentist Appointment
After you’ve given us a call and are waiting for us to call you back to give you the details of your Louisville emergency dentist appointment, you’ll need to track down a couple of items to bring with you.
Same Day Denture Repair in Louisville
If you’re trying to track down emergency denture repair in Louisville because of damaged or destroyed dentures, we can help you out with that, too! Not only can we book an appointment for you to have your dentures fixed or be fitted for a new set, we also offer same day denture repair in Louisville. Quite a few of the emergency dentists in our network work closely with denture lab technicians, which makes these services through us possible.Common Dental Emergencies Emergency Dentists Treat
One of the best ways to be prepared for any common dental emergency is to know what they are and what you can do when one of them strikes. Most patients don’t notice they’re having a dental emergency until the pain sets in. You also need to know when you need to head straight to the emergency room instead of going to see an emergency dentist first. Knocked out or otherwise lost teeth, oral infections, severe headaches, and even badly chipped teeth are all prime examples of dental emergencies that require immediate attention. However, regardless of any other injury or emergency you may have, any sustained trauma to the head must be treated before anything else.
A Knocked Out or Lost Tooth
The first thing you need to do when you’ve had a tooth knocked out, or lost it some other way, is to assess your injuries and make sure your head trauma is only a missing tooth. Once you’re sure all else is fine, try and find the tooth. If you’ve successfully found the tooth, before you pick it up remember that it must be picked up by the crown, the top of the tooth. Picking it up by the root, the bottom of the tooth, is the best way to damage it. If the tooth is damaged to a certain extent, which can be done by picking it up by the root, the emergency dentist won’t be able to implant it back in. There are a couple of preservation methods you can use to make sure the tooth remains undamaged until we can get you to your emergency dental appointment. Start by rinsing off the tooth with some water. Next, if you’re comfortable with doing so, you can actually try to stick it back in the empty socket yourself, but don’t force it. Keeping it in a cup of milk or water will also keep it preserved, as well.
An Abscessed Tooth and Oral Infections
Dealing with an abscessed tooth is a painful, dangerous dental emergency. Oral infections are just as time-sensitive and life-threatening as an infection of the body. If they are left untreated, an oral infection will spread throughout the roots of your teeth, make its way into the tissues, and eventually enter the bloodstream, causing blood poisoning and even death. Because oral infections are extremely serious, identifying one before the severe pain and festering infection get worse is your best bet. Using a compact mirror, or a small mirror, in general, check your mouth for anything that looks like a pimple or a red bump that differs in color from your gums. Unfortunately, abscessed teeth and oral infections are easily formed. For example, fracturing and chipping a tooth where your toothbrush can’t reach makes the perfect breeding ground for an oral infection.
Lost Crown or Filling
If you’ve lost a crown or a filling that was in charge of covering a hole in a tooth you must act fast, especially if it was covering a deep one. Leaving the tooth exposed and without protection will cause a lot of damage, potentially to the point where the emergency dentist will have to extract it instead of recapping or refilling it. The best way to protect the tooth and cover the hole temporarily is to pick up dental cement. That, or you can use small pieces of gauze or some cotton balls. Regardless of the method you use, make sure the hole is covered and the tooth is protected at all times.An Emergency Tooth Extraction

The Emergency Room vs a Louisville Emergency Dentist
There are more than a few instances where both a trip to the emergency room and having us book an appointment with a Louisville emergency dentist for you are possible, such as a car accident or a bad fall down the stairs, for example. However, knowing which type of help you need first is extremely important. Emergency room doctors are able to manage your pain, treat your bodily injuries, and, most importantly, treat any sustained trauma to the head. Emergency dentists in Louisville are able to manage your pain to a certain extent, treat your oral injuries, and save your teeth. Because an emergency room doctor is equipped to treat head trauma, while emergency dentists are not, you need to go to your local ER first. Whether you call us while you’re at the ER or when you return home to book an appointment through us is totally up to you.Nearby Cities
For more information or to seek immediate help from a 24-hour dentist, you can call Emergency Dentist 24/7 toll-free at (855)-352-6790. Our operators are standing by right now to take your call.
There are a wide variety of common injuries and emergencies that require immediate or as soon as possible dental care. Fortunately for you, these are often easily dealt with and do not require such a fuss once you’ve made it to an emergency dentist.