If you’re not having any luck finding an emergency dentist in Birmingham, we can help you out with that. Our 24-hour emergency dentist referral network helps patients all over Birmingham, AL find the help they need as soon as they need it.
Don’t wait for days, maybe even weeks, to get an appointment with your regular dentist when we can get you an appointment in as little as 24 hours. Call us at (855)-352-6790, give us your details, and we’ll give you an emergency dentist appointment!
Before you’re completely ready to go to your appointment, though your pain may be causing you to want to hop into your car and go right away, there are a few things you’re going to need to track down before you do so.
The first thing you need to do is track down anything you took home after a recent appointment with your regular dentist, whether it was copies of forms, documentation, x-rays, even a detailed receipt. Whatever you can find, make sure you bring it with you. Doing so will help the emergency dentist and their staff gain some important insight into what you’ve done recently.
Next, call the emergency dentist we’ve booked you an appointment with to check whether or not your insurance coverage is accepted. If it is, make sure you bring everything you’ll need to process an insurance claim with you to the appointment, which you will hand off to one of their staff members, who will then process it for you while you’re being treated by the emergency dentist.
If your insurance coverage isn’t accepted, or you don’t currently have dental insurance, you should then inquire about how much the appointment will cost you. This eliminates any surprises when your appointment ends and it comes time to pay.
The emergency dentist and their staff need to know about allergies and medications to ensure they don’t give you anything that will cause a reaction during your treatment. If you have multiple allergies, multiple medications you’re currently taking, or have a number of both, it’s recommended that you make a list for the emergency dentist and their team to refer to throughout your appointment.
It’s very important that you arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to ensure you have some time to spare to ask any questions you may have, fill out necessary paperwork for your patient profile, etc. Emergency dentists operate a lot like a regular dentist does, so make sure you arrive with time to spare.
Lastly, don’t feel bad or embarrassed about having a fear of the dentist. The emergency dentist and their staff have dealt with hundreds, probably even thousands, of patients who have a fear of the dentist. The only way they’ll be able to make sure that you are completely comfortable for the entire duration of your appointment is to know what your concerns are, so don’t be afraid to speak up.

It’s one thing to know something is very wrong with your oral health, but knowing what you’re going through can actually help you to face it more than patients realize. Dental emergencies will spring when you need them the least, so the best way to be prepared to face them is knowing what the most common ones are and how you can help yourself until you can get to the appointment we’ve booked for you.
The most common dental emergencies are lost or knocked out teeth, injuries to the soft and/or hard tissues to the mouth, broken fillings and crowns, lost fillings and crowns, oral infections, and severe toothaches.
However, even if you are suffering from a painful dental emergency, the most important injury that must always be treated first is any head trauma you may have sustained, which can only be treated by a doctor in your local emergency room.
Losing an Adult Tooth
Losing one of your adult teeth is no doubt a scary situation, but you must make sure that you’re free and clear of any head trauma before you decide what your next move is. If you’re 100% sure that you have no sustained head trauma, you’re good to go to find the lost tooth.
If you’re able to find it, make sure you pick it up by the crown and not by the root. Doing so can cause irreversible damage that may make it impossible for the emergency dentist to implant it back in. Rinse it off gently and, if you’re feeling brave, temporarily put it back in the socket yourself.
Putting it back in the socket yourself for a temporary measure is the best way to preserve it, but putting it in a cup of either milk or water will also work, as well.
What to Do When Suffering With an Oral Infection
Oral infections have the potential to become fatal, just like an infection of the body does, which is why it’s so important to never leave one untreated for a long period of time.
If you spot anything that looks like a pimple or a small, red bump, in general, call us as soon as you possibly can so we can get to work on booking you an appointment right away.
Oral infections, especially abscessed teeth, don’t usually make themselves known until you’re in a lot of pain. Unfortunately, they can form as easily as a chipped tooth close to gum line occurs, which is why it’s extremely important to stay on top of your oral health.
Losing a Crown or a Filling

The loss of a crown or a filling is actually bound to happen at some point. They’re not durable enough to last a lifetime and can wear themselves out over time, so don’t be surprised if you have one fall out.
Though this can be a regular occurrence, make no mistake, you must act incredibly fast if and when one falls out of your mouth.
Chances are, you had one put in place to ensure that the tooth you had one put on isn’t subjected to further harm. If you leave the tooth open and exposed, you may be facing an emergency extraction instead of the emergency dentist we send you to being able to recap or refill it.
Make sure you take a quick trip to your local drug store and track down some dental cement, gauze that you will cut up into smaller pieces at home, or even some cotton balls.
No matter which method you choose to use, make sure you are consistent with it. As we mentioned earlier, if you don’t protect the tooth from further harm, you could potentially lose it entirely when you get to the appointment we’ve booked for you.
Going Through an Emergency Tooth Extraction

Potentially facing an emergency tooth extraction is more than enough for some patients to put off going to the dentist twice per year, as every patient should. However, sometimes it’s inevitable and a patient must face their reality.
The best way to be ready to go through an emergency tooth extraction is to know how the procedure works and prepare themselves for what’s going to happen during and after.
Once the numbing agent administered to the extraction site has a chance to kick it, the emergency dentist will then use a special set of dental pliers to rock the tooth back and forth in the socket until it pops out.
However, this doesn’t always work every time. If this is the case, the emergency dentist will then break the tooth up into smaller pieces and gently remove them one by one until the tooth is completely out of the socket.
Once the tooth is out and the extraction procedure is completed, the emergency dentist or someone from their team will then take the time to go over important aftercare instructions that you will need to practice at home in order to avoid infection.
Same Day Denture Repair in Birmingham
A lot of patients have struggled to find same day denture repair in Birmingham, especially when it comes to emergency denture repair Birmingham. With this in mind, we’ve added emergency dentists who work closely with denture lab technicians to our network. Thanks to the additions we’ve made, patients can now have their current set of dentures restored to their former glory or be fitted for a new set of dentures on the same day they go in for their appointment.
The Most Important Choice – Emergency Room vs Emergency Dentist
There are a lot of instances, such as a car accident, for example, that will require both an emergency room doctor and an emergency dentist. However, it’s extremely important that you know where you need to go first.
An emergency room doctor can treat your head trauma, your major bodily injuries, and fully help with your pain. They can’t, however, help save your teeth unless they have an emergency dentist on call, but this is a rare occurrence.
An emergency dentist can save your teeth, help with your pain to a certain extent, and treat any oral injuries you may have. They can’t, however, treat your head trauma.
Because head trauma is something that must always be treated before anything else, it’s extremely important that you know where to go first. We can book you an appointment with an emergency dentist in Birmingham while you get treated for your head trauma.